Answers to your questions
It’s all right, you can send mails to recipients who explicitly agreed to receive them when they joined your mailing list, in accordance with the law. However, the law requires you to allow recipients to opt out at any time, and therefore, all messages sent using Smoove allow the recipient to request the removal of their email address from the mailing list. The details of a recipient who has requested to be removed from the list will be transferred directly to the “blocked” account list, so the system can confirm that no mails will be sent to him, even if someone unknowingly re-enters the address to one of the lists
You are welcome to judge for yourself: the Smoove allows you to easily create a professional looking newsletter that is professionally designed and with rich content, making it easy for you to send it with the click of a button to your entire mailing list, several mailing lists, or just a chosen few. In addition, the Smoove Mailing System allows you to trace every sent mail, receive a report upon its arrival, see if it was read, receive the Clicks through Rate (CTR), and more. Additional advantages further tailor our service to your business needs. You can learn about all about them in the features section of the website.
Certainly; the recipient receives the mail with your name listed as the sender. In addition, all of our templates enable you to add a personal appeal at the beginning of the message. You can also enter other personal data like birth date and the recipient’s children’s names and birth dates, allowing you to use the system to automatically send greetings or other personal references. All of this will help you let your clients know that they are special and unique…
Absolutely not; for you, the user, the system works just like a website— it is just as simple and easy to use. You connect through a username and password from anywhere you want, and start working immediately. Feel free to enter and try our free version in order to see for yourself just how simple the system really is!
Absolutely! And with relative ease. The Smoove Mailing System templates offer a variety of possibilities for the arrangement and size of images in the message, so you can upload photos from your database with great ease. The templates also allow for the integration of links and help present them in a clean and aesthetic way in your newsletter.
There is no limitation on the number of recipients in your mailing list or the number of mailing lists to which you can send your mails.
The answer here is the same. There is no limitation on the number of mailing lists you may organize and classify according to your needs and the characteristics of your business.
Certainly! Every recipient can be added to an unlimited number of lists. It is also important to know that the system makes sure that a recipient who belongs to more than one list will not get the same message twice.
You can easily and efficiently add new contacts to the system from any given source. The system allows you to enter new contacts manually, import complete contact lists with the click of a button from your email account or an Excel file, or to import contacts from your Facebook page or from your own website.
Yes, and you can know additional information as well, such as whether the emails were opened, if the links were accessed, etc. In the case of emails that have not reached their destination, the system also will indicate the reason: invalid email address, temporary server problem etc.
It is simple and easy. First, all sent mails are saved in the system and you can resend them any time you like. Furthermore, the Smoove Mailing System has a timed messaging function, through which you can send a series of mails, at predetermined intervals, to each one of your recipients. This way, right after registration, the new recipient can receive a mail congratulating him on joining the system, a week later – or on any other time determined – the first newsletter will be received, after a month the second one, and so on. The system will send your preset mails to all newcomers, without having to operate it manually.
Yes, the system supports mailing in all languages.
You can send text messages, in addition or instead of emails, through the Smoove Mailing System. All email functions will be available for texts messaging as well: personal messages, timed messages, sending to a number of mailing lists and more.
Well, the answer is of course – it depends :-)
But it depends largely on you and your needs: we have a variety of packages that fit the way you use our services, how frequently do you do so, and the size of your recipient list. All required information about the packages we offer can be found here.
We accept all major credit cards, through our secure server. You can choose the desired package through the system’s interface, pay, and receive service instantly.
You can open a free account Click here
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You are welcome to contact us via email or the site’s Contact Form and we will gladly answer any questions you may have.